
Module for cluster-cluster and particle-cluster agglomeration.

Module Contents



Simulate agglomeration of particles.


Simulate particle-cluster agglomeration of particles (i.e. one by one).


Simulate cluster-cluster agglomeration of particles (i.e. in form of a binary

synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomeration_simulation.agglomeration(primary_particles: list[synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.Agglomerate], mode: str, randomness: float, translation_speed: float, sintering_ratio: float = 0, rotation_speed: float = 0) synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.Agglomerate

Simulate agglomeration of particles.

primary_particles (list[Agglomerate]): List of primary particles (agglomerates

without children).

mode (str): Agglomeration mode

“cluster-cluster” or “particle-cluster”

translation_speed (float): Relative translation step size, between two

collision checks.

randomness (float): Number between 0 and 1, to control the randomness of the
random walk:

0 = straight translation, constant rotation 1 = completely random walk, stochastic rotation

sintering_ratio (float, optional): Number between 0 and 1, to control how

close the centers of mass of the two touching primary particles will be after the collision:

0 = particles will just barely touch after the collision 1 = centers of mass will be identical

Defaults to 0.

rotation_speed (float, optional): Sum of the rotation intervals in x-, y-

and z-direction between two collision checks, for both collision partners, as fraction of 360 degrees. Defaults to 0.


ValueError: if an unknown agglomeration mode is specified


Agglomerate: agglomerated primary particles

synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomeration_simulation.particle_cluster_agglomeration(primary_particles: list[synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.Agglomerate], translation_speed: float, randomness: float, sintering_ratio: float = 0, rotation_speed: float = 0) synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.Agglomerate

Simulate particle-cluster agglomeration of particles (i.e. one by one).

primary_particles (list[Agglomerate]): List of primary particles (agglomerates

without children).

translation_speed (float): Relative translation step size, between two

collision checks.

randomness (float): Number between 0 and 1, to control the randomness of the
random walk:

0 = straight translation, constant rotation 1 = completely random walk, stochastic rotation

sintering_ratio (float, optional): Number between 0 and 1, to control how

close the centers of mass of the two touching primary particles will be after the collision:

0 = particles will just barely touch after the collision 1 = centers of mass will be identical

Defaults to 0.

rotation_speed (float, optional): Sum of the rotation intervals in x-, y-

and z-direction between two collision checks, for both collision partners, as fraction of 360 degrees. Defaults to 0.


Agglomerate: agglomerated primary particles

synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomeration_simulation.cluster_cluster_agglomeration(primary_particles: list[synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.Agglomerate], translation_speed: float, randomness: float, sintering_ratio: float = 0, rotation_speed: float = 0) synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.Agglomerate
Simulate cluster-cluster agglomeration of particles (i.e. in form of a binary


primary_particles (list[Agglomerate]): List of primary particles (agglomerates

without children).

translation_speed (float): Relative translation step size, between two

collision checks.

randomness (float): Number between 0 and 1, to control the randomness of the
random walk:

0 = straight translation, constant rotation 1 = completely random walk, stochastic rotation

sintering_ratio (float, optional): Number between 0 and 1, to control how

close the centers of mass of the two touching primary particles will be after the collision:

0 = particles will just barely touch after the collision 1 = centers of mass will be identical

Defaults to 0.

rotation_speed (float, optional): Sum of the rotation intervals in x-, y-

and z-direction between two collision checks, for both collision partners, as fraction of 360 degrees. Defaults to 0.


Agglomerate: agglomerated primary particles