Module for the Agglomerate classes.
Module Contents¶
Class to represent agglomerates. |
- synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.TAgglomerate¶
- class synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.agglomerate.Agglomerate¶
Class to represent agglomerates.
- property children: list[Agglomerate]¶
List of children of this agglomerate.
- Returns:
list[Agglomerate]: List of children of this Agglomerate.
- property mesh: trimesh.Trimesh¶
Retrieves the concatenated mesh of all descendants, i.e. primary particles.
- Returns:
trimesh.Trimesh: Concatenated mesh of all primary particles
- property num_children: int¶
Number of children.
- Returns:
int: Number of children.
- property all_descendants: list[TAgglomerate]¶
- List of all descendants (primary particles) of the agglomerate, i.e. itself,
its children, its children’s children, etc.
- Returns:
list[Agglomerate]: List of all descendants of the agglomerate.
- property num_descendants: int¶
Number of descendants of the agglomerate.
- Returns:
int: Number of descendants of the Agglomerate.
- property centroid: numpy.ndarray¶
Centroid of the agglomerate (including all descendants).
- Returns:
np.ndarray: Centroid of the Agglomerate.
- property centroid_primary_particle: numpy.ndarray¶
- Centroid of the agglomerates ultimate primary particle, i.e. disregarding its
- Returns:
np.ndarray: Centroid of the agglomerates ultimate primary particle
- property mass: float¶
Mass of the agglomerate (including all descendants).
- Returns:
float: Mass of the agglomerate
- property radius_gyration: float¶
Radius of gyration of an agglomerate (including its descendants).
If the agglomerate has no descendants, then the radius of gyration is determined by random sampling of mass points. Else, the centers of mass and the masses of the descendants are used.
- Returns:
float: Radius of gyration.
- mesh_primary_particle: trimesh.Trimesh¶
- name: str¶
- _children: list[Agglomerate]¶
- parent: Agglomerate | None¶
- __post_init__() None ¶
- get_descendant(descendant_name: str) Agglomerate ¶
Retrieves a descendant with the given name.
- Args:
descendant_name (str): name of the descendant to retrieve
- Raises:
IndexError: if no such descendant exists
- Returns:
Agglomerate: descendant with the given name
- add_child(child: Agglomerate) None ¶
Add a child to the agglomerate.
- Args:
child (Agglomerate): new child
- export(path: str) None ¶
- Export the mesh of the agglomerate (including its descendants) as an stl
- Args:
path (str): Path to the output stl file.
- plot() None ¶
Plot the mesh of the agglomerate (including its descendants).
- bounding_box() synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.bounding_box.BoundingBox ¶
Bounding box of the Agglomerate (including all descendants).
- Returns:
BoundingBox: _description_
- center_mass() numpy.ndarray ¶
Center of mass of the agglomerate (including all descendants).
- Returns:
np.ndarray: Center of mass.
- is_overlapping(agglomerate_other: Agglomerate) bool ¶
Check if two agglomerates (including their descendants) overlap.
- get_collision_partners(agglomerate_other: Agglomerate) tuple[Agglomerate, Agglomerate] ¶
Get overlapping primary particles for a pair of overlapping agglomerates.
- Returns:
tuple[Agglomerate, Agglomerate]: Pair of overlapping primary particles.
- classmethod from_blender(blender_object: bpy.types.Object) Agglomerate ¶
- Create an Agglomerate from a blender object, by converting it to a trimesh.
The name is adopted.
- Returns:
Agglomerate: Agglomerate
- to_blender() None ¶
Transfer the transformations of the primary particles of an Agglomerate to the corresponding blender objects.
- radius_gyration_primary_particle() float ¶
- Radius of gyration of a primary particle with arbitrary shape. Calculated
from randomly sampled mass points in the mesh.
- Returns:
float: Radius of gyration of a primary particle with arbitrary shape.
- static _calculate_radius_gyration(center_mass: numpy.ndarray, mass_points: numpy.ndarray, masses: numpy.ndarray) float ¶
Calculate the radius of gyration of a cloud of mass points.
Based on:
- Args:
center_mass (np.ndarray): Center of mass of the cloud. mass_points (np.ndarray): Mass points. masses (np.ndarray): Masses of the points.
- Returns:
float: Radius of gyration.
- apply_periodic_boundaries(space_bounding_box: synthpic2.recipe.synth_chain.feature_generation_steps.agglomeration.bounding_box.BoundingBox) None ¶
- Apply periodic boundaries of a box-shaped simulation space to the
agglomerate, by translating it, if it is outside of the simulation space.
- Args:
space_bounding_box (BoundingBox): Bounding box of the simulation space.
- translate(translation_vector: numpy.ndarray | list | tuple, do_reverse: bool = False) None ¶
Translate the agglomerate (including all the descendants).
- Args:
translation_vector (np.ndarray | list | tuple): Translation vector do_reverse (bool, optional): If true, applies the inverse translation.
Defaults to False.
- rotate_around_center_mass(rotation_vector_deg: numpy.ndarray | list | tuple, do_reverse: bool = False) None ¶
- Rotate the agglomerate (including all descendants) around its center of mass,
according to the specified angles.
- Args:
- rotation_vector_deg (np.ndarray | list | tuple): Rotation angles in degree,
in x-, y- and z- direction.
- do_reverse (bool, optional): If true, applies the inverse rotation.
Defaults to False.
- transform(transform: numpy.ndarray, do_update_center_mass: bool = True) None ¶
Transform the agglomerate (including all descendants).
- Args:
transform (np.ndarray): Transformation matrix (4x4). do_update_center_mass (bool, optional): If true, then update the centers of
mass of all descendants. Defaults to True.
- delete_attributes(*attribute_names: str) None ¶
Delete a list of attributes. Used to reset cached properties.
- initialize_collision(agglomerate_other: Agglomerate) None ¶
- Initialize a collision by randomly rotating the collision partners and
placing them into each others proximity, so that their bounding boxes touch.
- Args:
agglomerate_other (Agglomerate): Collision partner.
- collide(agglomerate_other: Agglomerate, translation_speed: float, randomness: float, sintering_ratio: float = 0, rotation_speed: float = 0) None ¶
Collide the agglomerate with another agglomerate.
- Args:
agglomerate_other (Agglomerate): Collision partner. translation_speed (float): Relative translation step size, between two
collision checks.
- randomness (float): Number between 0 and 1, to control the randomness of the
- random walk:
0 = straight translation, constant rotation 1 = completely random walk, stochastic rotation
- sintering_ratio (float, optional): Number between 0 and 1, to control how
close the centers of mass of the two touching primary particles will be after the collision:
0 = particles will just barely touch after the collision 1 = centers of mass will be identical
Defaults to 0.
- rotation_speed (float, optional): Sum of the rotation intervals in x-, y-
and z-direction between two collision checks, for both collision partners, as fraction of 360 degrees. Defaults to 0.