TEM: Agglomeration, Metaballs & STL export

In this tutorial we will see how we can create an agglomerate from a set of particles, render it in the style of a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image and export the resulting geometry as an STL file.

Since this is an advanced tutorial, it assumes that you are already familiar with the basics of the toolbox. Also, we assume that you are familiar with the basics of agglomeration. A good summary can be found in Friedlander (2000) “Smoke, dust, and haze: Fundamentals of aerosol dynamics”, Chapter 8.

At a Glance

../_images/AAG_0.png ../_images/AAG_1.png ../_images/AAG_2.png

What You Will Learn

  • How to create lifelike agglomerates.

  • How to use the AgglomerateParticles feature generation step.

  • How to simulate sintering using metaballs.

  • How to render images that resemble transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images.

  • How to export sets of particles as STL files.


The recipe for this tutorial can be found in recipes/agglom_tem.yaml:

  - BaseRecipe
  - _self_

  time: 0.0
  seed: 42
      measurement_technique_prototype_name: transmission_electron_microscope
      geometry_prototype_name: meta_ball_sphere
      material_prototype_name: tem_amorphous
      parent: MeasurementVolume
      number: 25
      feature_name: dimensions
        _target_: $builtins.UniformDistribution3dHomogeneous
        location: 6
        scale: 3
      feature_name: density
        _target_: $builtins.Constant
        value: 0.1
    - _target_: $builtins.InvokeBlueprints
      affected_set_name: AllMeasurementTechniqueBlueprints
    - _target_: $builtins.InvokeBlueprints
      affected_set_name: AllParticleBlueprints
    - _target_: $builtins.TriggerFeatureUpdate
      feature_variability_name: ParticleDimension
      affected_set_name: AllParticles
    - _target_: $builtins.TriggerFeatureUpdate
      feature_variability_name: ParticleDensity
      affected_set_name: AllParticles
    - _target_: $builtins.AgglomerateParticles
      affected_set_name: AllParticles
      speed: 10
      randomness: 0
      mode: cluster-cluster
      sintering_ratio: 0.1
    - _target_: $builtins.SaveState
      name: state
    - _target_: $builtins.RenderParticlesTogether
      rendering_mode: real
      do_save_features: True
    - _target_: $builtins.RenderParticlesTogether
      rendering_mode: stl

Step 1: Simulating Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

To simulate TEM, we not only have to specify the transmission_electron_microscope measurement technique prototype, but also have to combine it with the tem_amorphous material prototype. Note that this material prototype is only suitable for the simulation of amorphous materials, i.e. it does not account for anisotropy and diffraction as you would encounter in crystalline materials.

      measurement_technique_prototype_name: transmission_electron_microscope
      geometry_prototype_name: meta_ball_sphere
      material_prototype_name: tem_amorphous
      parent: MeasurementVolume
      number: 25

To change the absorption of the tem_amorphous material, we can use its density feature:

      feature_name: density
        _target_: $builtins.Constant
        value: 0.1
    - _target_: $builtins.TriggerFeatureUpdate
      feature_variability_name: ParticleDensity
      affected_set_name: AllParticles

Step 2: Simulate Agglomeration And Sintering

To prepare for the agglomeration, we first create a number of primary particles using the InvokeBlueprints feature generation step with the AllParticleBlueprints set and scale them using the previously defined ParticleDimension feature variability.

    - _target_: $builtins.InvokeBlueprints
      affected_set_name: AllMeasurementTechniqueBlueprints
    - _target_: $builtins.InvokeBlueprints
      affected_set_name: AllParticleBlueprints
    - _target_: $builtins.TriggerFeatureUpdate
      feature_variability_name: ParticleDimension
      affected_set_name: AllParticles

Ultimately, we trigger the agglomeration with the AgglomerateParticles feature generation step:

    - _target_: $builtins.AgglomerateParticles
      affected_set_name: AllParticles
      speed: 10
      randomness: 0
      mode: cluster-cluster
      sintering_ratio: 0.1

The AgglomerateParticles feature generation step operates on a set of particles, defined by the affected_set_name. From this set, collision partners are selected and collided by simulating their movement through a simulation space with periodic boundaries. While the speed parameter controls the step size of the simulation and thereby its speed and accuracy (a lower speed results in a more precise collision detection), the randomness controls how random the walk of the collision partners through the simulation space is. randomness: 0 results in ballistic transport, whereas randomness: 1 results in diffusion-limited transport.

The selection of collision partners is controlled by the mode parameter. For mode: particle-cluster, one primary particle at a time is added to a central cluster in a random order. In contrast, for mode: cluster-cluster, multiple clusters are grown in parallel, with the collision order being controlled by the inter-cluster collision probability, which depends on the relative collision frequency and therefore the cluster size. Common agglomeration modes can be simulated as follows:

  • ballistic particle-cluster agglomeration: randomness: 0, mode: particle-cluster

  • diffusion-limited particle-cluster agglomeration: randomness: 1, mode: particle-cluster

  • ballistic cluster-cluster agglomeration: randomness: 0, mode: cluster-cluster

  • diffusion-limited cluster-cluster agglomeration: randomness: 1, mode: cluster-cluster

Sintering can be simulated using the sintering_ratio parameter of the AgglomerateParticles feature generation step. It controls how much two colliding primary particles overlap after a collision, with sintering_ratio: 0 resulting in a point contact and sintering_ratio: 1 resulting in an alignment of the centers of gravity of the two colliding primary particles.

To simulate the characteristic sintering necks between the primary particles, we use the meta_ball_sphere geometry prototype:

      measurement_technique_prototype_name: transmission_electron_microscope
      geometry_prototype_name: meta_ball_sphere
      material_prototype_name: tem_amorphous
      parent: MeasurementVolume
      number: 25

This prototype is very special, since unlike other geometry prototypes, it does not hold a mesh but a metaball object. To learn more about metaballs, you can watch the following video:

For now, it suffices to know that metaballs have a primitive shape (e.g. spherical, ellipsoid or cubic) and merge when they are close to each other:

Examples of metaballs.

Examples of metaballs (source: Wikipedia).

For the recipe at hand, the parameters yield the following geometry:

Resulting geometry.

Step 3: Rendering (STL Export)

Most recipes end with rendering steps that produce an image and some form of ground truth:

    - _target_: $builtins.SaveState
      name: state
    - _target_: $builtins.RenderParticlesTogether
      rendering_mode: real
      do_save_features: True
    - _target_: $builtins.RenderParticlesTogether
      rendering_mode: stl

We already know rendering_mode: real, which produces a lifelike image of our agglomerate:

Resulting "real" image.

Resulting “real” image.

Unlike other recipes, this recipe does not produce a 2D representation of the ground truth, but saves a 3D model in form of an STL file, using rendering_mode: stl:

The resulting STL file, when being re-imported to Blender.

The resulting STL file, when being re-imported to Blender. Note that it no longer consists of metaballs, but has been converted into a triangulated mesh.

Just as other rendering modes, the STL rendering mode can be used with both RenderParticlesTogether and RenderParticlesIndividually.