
Prototype module.


Package Contents



This class allows to get and set feature values. These features can either be


Prototype for particle geometry.


Prototype definition for a material.


Prototype definition for a measurement technique.

class synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.Feature

This class allows to get and set feature values. These features can either be custom-defined, or link to a property of a Blender object.

property value: Any
name: str
_target_: str | None = 'synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.Feature'
_value: Any | None
__post_init__() None

Gets called after the init routine.

Validate the blender_link property.


ValueError: raised if the blender_link property is invalid

Sanitize the blender_link property.

Extract the attributes from blender_link and assign it to value.

static _get_node_value(node: Any, interface: InterfaceType, key: KeyType) Any
static _set_node_value(node: Any, interface: InterfaceType, key: KeyType, value: Any) None
static _parse_node_interface_and_key(regex_match: re.Match) tuple[InterfaceType, int | str]
class synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.GeometryPrototype

Bases: _AppendablePrototype

Prototype for particle geometry.

property _registry: synthpic2.recipe.registries.Registry
_target_: str = 'synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.GeometryPrototype'
name_in_blend_file: str = 'GeometryPrototype'
__attrs_post_init__() None

Define attributes that are not accessible via Hydra.

append() None

Append a GeometryPrototype, store it in the ‘GeometryPrototypes’ collection and hide said collection.

class synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.MaterialPrototype

Bases: _AppendablePrototype

Prototype definition for a material.

property _registry: synthpic2.recipe.registries.Registry
_target_: str = 'synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.MaterialPrototype'
name_in_blend_file: str = 'MaterialPrototype'
__attrs_post_init__() None

Define attributes that are not accessible via Hydra.

class synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.MeasurementTechniquePrototype

Bases: _Prototype, synthpic2.recipe.render_preparation_mixin.RenderPreparationMixin

Prototype definition for a measurement technique.

property _registry: synthpic2.recipe.registries.Registry
_target_: str = 'synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.MeasurementTechniquePrototype'
measurement_volume_object_name: str = 'MeasurementVolume'
background_object_name: str | None
hideable_object_names: List[str] | None
__attrs_post_init__() None
_add_render_features() None
initialize() None

Open the blend file that is associated with the prototype.

setup_after_invocation() None

Setup steps to be executed after the MeasurementTechniquePrototype has been invoked as part of a MeasurementTechniqueBlueprint.

_fix_common_user_errors() None

Fix common user errors, such as no active object or measurement technique being in edit mode.

_validate() None

Validate that the specified blend file sticks to the conventions of synthPIC2.

ConventionError: if there is no scene named ‘Scene’ in the measurement

technique prototype

ConventionError: if there is no collection named ‘MeasurementTechnique’ in

the measurement technique prototype

ConventionError: if there is no camera in the measurement technique


_prepare_categorical_rendering_mode() None
_hide_hideable_objects() None
_prepare_real_rendering_mode() None
_prepare_stylized_rendering_mode() None
_prepare_stylized_xray_rendering_mode() None
_prepare_normal_map_rendering_mode() None
_prepare_depth_map_rendering_mode() None