
Home of the Feature class.

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This class allows to get and set feature values. These features can either be

class synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.feature.Feature

This class allows to get and set feature values. These features can either be custom-defined, or link to a property of a Blender object.

property value: Any
name: str
_target_: str | None = 'synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.Feature'
_value: Any | None
__post_init__() None

Gets called after the init routine.

Validate the blender_link property.


ValueError: raised if the blender_link property is invalid

Sanitize the blender_link property.

Extract the attributes from blender_link and assign it to value.

static _get_node_value(node: Any, interface: InterfaceType, key: KeyType) Any
static _set_node_value(node: Any, interface: InterfaceType, key: KeyType, value: Any) None
static _parse_node_interface_and_key(regex_match: re.Match) tuple[InterfaceType, int | str]