
Home of Criterion classes to construct sets from.

Module Contents



Mixin for attrs classes, so that they register themselves in a predefined


Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


Criterion, to check if an object is of a certain type.


Criterion that is always true.


Criterion that is true, if the object is a particle and does not have a parent


register_premade_feature_criteria(→ None)



class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.BaseCriterion

Bases: synthpic2.recipe.registries.self_registering_attrs_mixin.SelfRegisteringAttrsMixin

Mixin for attrs classes, so that they register themselves in a predefined registry, after they have been initialized.

property _registry: synthpic2.recipe.registries.Registry
name: str
abstract __call__(object_: FeatureOwner) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.FeatureCriterion

Bases: BaseCriterion

Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


The Feature is looked up based on the specified feature_name. If the object does not have the feature at all, then the default_return_value will be returned.

feature_name: str
default_return_value: bool
_target_: str = 'synthpic2.recipe.precess_conditions.criteria.FeatureCriterion'
__call__(object_: FeatureOwner) bool
abstract check(feature: synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.feature.Feature) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.IsEqualTo

Bases: FeatureCriterion

Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


The Feature is looked up based on the specified feature_name. If the object does not have the feature at all, then the default_return_value will be returned.

comparand: Any
check(feature: synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.feature.Feature) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.IsSmallerThan

Bases: FeatureCriterion

Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


The Feature is looked up based on the specified feature_name. If the object does not have the feature at all, then the default_return_value will be returned.

comparand: Any
check(feature: synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.feature.Feature) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.IsGreaterThan

Bases: FeatureCriterion

Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


The Feature is looked up based on the specified feature_name. If the object does not have the feature at all, then the default_return_value will be returned.

comparand: Any
check(feature: synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.feature.Feature) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.ContainsString

Bases: FeatureCriterion

Criterion, to check if a certain Feature of an object has an


The Feature is looked up based on the specified feature_name. If the object does not have the feature at all, then the default_return_value will be returned.

search_string: str
check(feature: synthpic2.recipe.prototypes.feature.Feature) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria._IsType

Bases: BaseCriterion

Criterion, to check if an object is of a certain type.

type: Type
__call__(object_: FeatureOwner) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.AlwaysTrue

Bases: BaseCriterion

Criterion that is always true.

name: str = 'AlwaysTrue'
__call__(object_: FeatureOwner) bool
class synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.IsUltimateParent

Bases: BaseCriterion

Criterion that is true, if the object is a particle and does not have a parent object.

name: str = 'IsUltimateParent'
__call__(object_: FeatureOwner) bool
synthpic2.recipe.process_conditions.feature_criteria.register_premade_feature_criteria() None