
Custom exceptions.

Module Contents

exception synthpic2.errors.SynthPic2Error

Bases: Exception

Base class for other exceptions.

exception synthpic2.errors.ConventionError

Bases: SynthPic2Error

Thrown, when a SynthPic2 convention is violated.

exception synthpic2.errors.PrototypeNotFoundError(blend_file_path: synthpic2.custom_types.AnyPath, name_in_blend_file: str)

Bases: SynthPic2Error

Exception to raise when a prototype cannot be found in a blend file.

exception synthpic2.errors.PrototypeAlreadyExistsError(prototype_name: str)

Bases: SynthPic2Error

Thrown, when a prototype already exists.

exception synthpic2.errors.BlenderError

Bases: SynthPic2Error

Raised, when an action caused a Blender error.

exception synthpic2.errors.BlenderConventionError

Bases: SynthPic2Error

Raised, when an action violates a Blender convention.