:py:mod:`synthpic2.recipe.utilities` ==================================== .. py:module:: synthpic2.recipe.utilities .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module for recipe utilities. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: synthpic2.recipe.utilities.parse_recipe synthpic2.recipe.utilities.parse_plugin_namespaces synthpic2.recipe.utilities.parse_builtin_namespaces synthpic2.recipe.utilities.infer_names synthpic2.recipe.utilities._infer_item_names_from_keys .. py:function:: parse_recipe(recipe: synthpic2.recipe.recipe.Recipe) -> None Parse builtin namespace placeholder in recipe and infer item names from dictionary keys. Args: recipe (Recipe): Recipe to parse. .. py:function:: parse_plugin_namespaces(recipe: synthpic2.recipe.recipe.Recipe) -> None Parse plugin namespace placeholder in recipe. Uses the following regex: https://regex101.com/r/gVHrlX/1 Args: recipe (Recipe): Recipe to parse. .. py:function:: parse_builtin_namespaces(recipe: synthpic2.recipe.recipe.Recipe) -> None Parse builtin namespace placeholder in recipe. Args: recipe (Recipe): Recipe to parse. .. py:function:: infer_names(recipe: synthpic2.recipe.recipe.Recipe) -> None Iterate certain nodes of the recipe and set the name attribute of the node items to the key that was used for the item in the recipe. Args: recipe (Recipe): Recipe to parse. .. py:function:: _infer_item_names_from_keys(node: omegaconf.DictConfig) -> None